Acupuncture is one modality within a centuries-old system of medicine that originated in Asia and is practiced around the world today. By shallowly inserting and manipulating hair-thin needles into acupuncture points on energy meridians, the practitioner rebalances our emotional, mental and physical body to remove the energetic causes of illness.
The teachings of acupuncture are based on the theory of balancing the five elements: fire, earth, metal, water, and wood. Within each of these elements, there is an associated yin and yang energy meridian, a color, smell, taste, body tissue, organ, time of day, etc. By taking a thorough case, doing a physical examination (looking at patterns in the tongue, skin color, eyes, body type and taking a diagnostic pulse), acupuncturists develop a diagnosis, then use the appropriate acupoints that eliminate the pattern of imbalance.
Chinese Medicine
Chinese Medicine is a collection of therapeutic modalities traditionally used in China that includes acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, Qi Gong, Tui na, and T’ai Chi Chu’an to improve health and well-being.
Chinese Medicine Practitioner(s):